Saturday, April 13, 2024

Friday Mood

Some things I love drawing are leaves and characters wearing clothes I'd totally wear but probably won't ever buy. And random shapes of color. I love seeing bits and pieces of things on a page. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

a bit about my process

Lately, I love drawing on paper with marker and pen and pencil. It allows me to experiment, play, make mistakes, and dream on paper.

Then, I love cutting the drawings out in photoshop and collaging everything together. 


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tiny People In The Forest (part 2)

In September, I made these daily drawings of tiny people doing things under the leaves. 

My goal for this little project was: to imagine different characters from the world of my current story project, get back into my sketchbook, draw more leaves and other things around me.

Monthly side projects are the best because you can discover new ideas you didn't know you had. Seeing all the drawings at the end is a clear indication of how small, daily efforts add up overtime. 

I also learned that drawing characters is a wonderful way to feel less lonely and cultivate more hope. 

Monday, September 4, 2023